How can something so completely different and new and unusual seem so completely normal? That question has plagued my mind ever since Sam and I arrived at the church around 9 o’clock on Friday, December 28, 2012. Going through the motions of preparing to get married isn’t something I do everyday, but it sure seemed calm, relaxed, and normal to me (I pushed almost all responsibilities off on other people though, so perhaps I’m the only one who felt like that.).

Anyway, shortly after we arrived, my girls arrived! They were my make-up crew, go-fers, and unofficial photographers. I love them so much!!! Then Angie and Lydia arrived to do up my hair. I felt so pampered and pretty. 😀

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Gettin’ all dolled up!

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Buttons, buttons, and more buttons!


My lovely new sisters!


Veil time!


Kaliste, or Franck-sis. 😉 She was SO awesome! I don’t know what we would have done without her.

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All ready, and posing for one last picture as a single girl with just a few of the amazing friends who helped make the wedding go smoothly, beautifully, and wonderfully. I am so unbelievably grateful for them! And I miss them. A LOT!

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Pretty Faith.


Me and Grammy. She wore that dress 62 years ago. Mama wore it for her wedding too, so it was extra special that I was also able to wear it.


Me and Granddaddy with Daddy in the background.

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Our official photographers took over for a while.


And then it was waitin’ time!