Sam wrote out more of his thoughts! He makes some good points, and says some sweet things. 🙂

There are so many more things I would like to say. I just can’t put my thoughts into something that will make sense to someone other than me.

Talking about the time before I knew if she was the one I wanted to spend my life with, it is hard now to remember what I was thinking. I remember thinking not to let my heart run away with my head and thinking that I had to think of her as a friend before anything else. I knew I did not want to move too fast and scare her or make her think anything that she should not. I also wanted to spend time with her to find out if what I was feeling in my chest was more then just me seeing the most beautiful girl in the world. On a side note, if you are trying to get a girl to like you, I recommend port wine and dark chocolate; it worked really well for me, but that is a different story.

One of the best parts about the whole process was how close it brought me to God; all the praying and reading I did was awesome!

One thing I think people need to remember in a time like that is not to let it run your life. Until the day I talked to her dad life went on the way it was. If you don’t, you will give you heart away before you should. Now I did not say that you should not have an attachment to that person because even friends have a emotional attachments, and that is a good thing. That is one of my things, I think, that helped me keep my head when I was think about marrying her. I did not want to hurt my friend by letting on that I liked her. I did not want her to get her hopes up and then me to change my mind. That is what I think is so messed up with courting; you put the two people into something that is MORE than friendship, then if one person backs out, their world is trashed for a time. It has been that way with every friend I have had that has been in a courtship that did not end in a marriage, and I did not want to do that to her or to myself. So the fact we were just friends, and then, without even thinking about it, we moved to best friends, then in a few short weeks we moved to being each others all in all.