The next Lord’s Day, the Evans had folks over to their place after worship and lunch. It was an afternoon full of fun fellowship. A particular highlight for the men and boys was the go cart.

Watching, waiting for their turn, being cold… etc.

Got you again, Jed! 😀

I love that grin!

Lovely Illinois sunsets is something I already miss. That and the sunrises. And the people. Mainly the people. 😉

That Monday was newsletter day at SMI – I only got my camera out briefly during the collating, and a little more during lunch.

In line for the chiropractor and/or lunch, which was catered by Chick-Fil-A.

After lunch, a bunch of the kids got up a game of freeze tag.

And I’ve come to the end of my pictures. I should probably mention that my trip was extended by a couple more days than I was expecting or even really dared hope for, and, at the end of those days, I came home with a gorgeous diamond ring on my left hand. My heart remains in Illinois  I will be reunited with it again permanently sometime shortly after the first of the year. Details, and probably pictures, to follow. For now, we’re dealing with the distance separating us as best we can. Prayers are appreciated as we work to make two lives one. The Lord has blessed me beyond belief! And I think that is a good place to end these posts.